Sunday, 1 September 2013

Free Diving Freedom Part1

Growing up in Cornwall I spent my childhood in the ocean; I have always loved being a part of this amazing world that holds so many mysteries. We would often send days snorkeling, cliff jumping and fishing but I discovered I had a real knack for diving deeper than most of my peers. 

I first experienced this whilst sailing in Turkey when I was 10 years old; I was snorkeling with my Dad and older sister when my Dad suggested that we dive down and check the anchor was secure. After several attempts neither my Dad or sister could reach the anchor, they simply laughed when I said I wanted a go. But I calmly started breathing deeply; took a few final normal breaths and went for it! I swam down effortlessly and reached the anchor, pushed on it to ensure it was secure in the reef and then rather smugly returned to the surface. I was ecstatic! I couldn't believe that for once I was actually the best at something! (Being the youngest often meant that this was a rare event). Thus sparked my enthusiasm for free diving; a passion that only grew as my passion for the ocean did.

However it only remained a hobby I would partake in with my friends when we would go snorkeling or spear fishing. This year though, I wrote a list of things I wanted to do and achieve and one of the top activities among them, was learning to free dive properly.

My opportunity arose, quite out of the blue, recently on a visit to Koh Tao in Thailand. I simply had to share the experience with you as it felt spiritually and physically invigorating and a must do for any water-bound fitness enthusiasts!

I took part in a two day free diving beginner course with a company called Blue Immersion which would teach me; breathing techniques, the physiological impact of free diving on the body, diving techniques and rescue procedures as well as providing me with the opportunity to dive to a depth of 20 meters exploring Thailand's finest dive sites!

The course started off with breathing techniques similar to what you would use in yoga; and in fact as the courses progress and you are pushing your body further, yoga is often practiced in the mornings to prepare and calm your body before the dives.

We then had an initial go to see how long we could hold our breath for; this for me was awful. I could not relax, I found myself panicking and wanting to breath earlier than I ever thought I would normally need to; but it turns out I managed to hold my breath for 1min 15secs. Compared with the rest of the group this was terrible. The instructor taught me though, that this was my body tricking me as it was simply CO2 wanting to get out; not that I needed oxygen and I simply needed to divert my mind to keep myself calm. I put these instructions into practice and by the next day could hold my breath for 2mins 30secs; still terrible in comparison to the rest of the group but I felt like I had come a huge way in just 24 hours. I had been imagining I was a seagull.

These initial breath hold exercise took place outside of the water however; and once we got out to sea and were diving down the line I instantly felt calmer and focused on what I needed to do.

I can't tell you how freeing it is to swim down to these depths without the heavy equipment involved in scuba. It was surreal and made me feel much more at one with the ocean and her creatures.

Two days was not enough for me in this sport; it has opened my eyes up to really challenging your mind and body. Stepping (or swimming!) outside of your comfort zone and taking control. This sport truly is mind over matter and I'm only just beginning...

To be continued...

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Spinach & Tofu Burgers

For anybody that has been over to my house in the last two years, you have probably already eaten one of our 'famous' spinach and tofu burgers. We probably make them more than any other meal...why?? Because they THE tastiest burgers I have ever eaten!*

*You do not have to agree with this statement as it is a personal opinion; mine!

The wonderful thing about these burgers is that not only are they easy to make but they a) are a good source of iron which is a must for me and b) they are great for getting in your protein which is an important factor for veggies' especially those that spend a lot of time in the gym :)

The Tofu gives them a really creamy texture as well; you can fry them or bake them and if you make to much mixture simply pop them between two sheets of grease proof paper / cling film and stick them in the freezer!

3 large handfuls/half a bag of baby spinach leaves
3 spring onions - sliced
3 cloves of garlic
1 block of firm tofu; squeezed dry
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
1/4 cup of sesame seeds
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
Salt & Pepper to taste

1.Cook spinach for 1 minute until wilted in a saucepan; chop finely and put into a large bowl
2. Put the spring onions and garlic into a food processor until minced and add to the bowl

3. Crumble half the tofu with your hands into the bowl. Place the other half of the tofu into the food processor and process until smooth.
4. Add the smooth tofu to the bowl with the remaining ingredients
5. Combine the ingredients until evenly distributed
6. Use your hands of a burger press to form evenly sized patties (we normally get about 5 burgers out of it)
7. Fry or bake dependent on your preference (frying seals them better but baking is healthier)
8. Serve in buns, pittas or by themselves with salad!

Monday, 20 May 2013

Lentil Moussaka

This week (May 20th to May 24th) is National Vegetarian Week. So, with that in mind each day I will be sharing with you some of my favourite vegetarian dishes for you to try at home. 

National Vegetarian Week is a great opportunity for you to get out of that food rut; experiment with new dishes and ingredients.Although there are a lot of people nowadays that do think outside of the 'meat-and-two-veg box' it is astonishing how many people still can not even imagine a meal without meat in it and, when they find out I'm a vegetarian, still respond with "but what do you eat?"

The following recipe is one of my favourite comfort foods; it's high in protein and you can make it healthier with a less cheesy sauce but that is also one of guilty pleasures! Unfortunately I wasn't able to make this in time for the blog so don't have any pictures; but will try and get some for you at a later date.

Lentil Moussaka

1 Aubergine
1 Sweet Potato
1 large white onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 can of lentils
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
Cheddar Cheese

1. Thinly slice the aubergine & let rest for 20mins in order for the sour juices to escape
2. Thinly slice the sweet potato & parboil for 5mins
3. Fry the chopped onions & garlic until golden then add the lentils and chopped tomatoes
4. Melt the butter in a saucepan & add the milk and flour; stir until smooth
5. Add the grated cheese, take off the heat & stir until smooth
6. Layer the lentils in a lasagne dish, alternating with the sweet potato & aubergine, finishing with a layer of lentils
7. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes
8. Pour the cheese sauce over the vegetables and bake for 20 minutes
9. Serve, Share and Enjoy!

Friday, 17 May 2013

The Power of Positivity

"Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favourable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action.Whatever the mind expects, it finds."                                                  

Remez Sasson,The Power of Positive Thinking

Not so long ago I realised, although  I hated to admit it, but I can be a bit of negative nancy. This was first brought to my attention by dear mum who, when listening to me rant about my life, interrupted saying; "Do you realise how often you say 'I can't' ?"

Whenever I have read interviews or autobiographies by any successful individual, be it in business, love or life generally, one thing they all say is you have to have self-belief and learn to turn negatives into positives.
Last weekend in Cornwall when running along the coastal path from St.Agnes to Wheal Coates; I allowed my mind to wonder about the sheer mass of the task I am undertaking and about the challenge that is Tough Mudder. The negative voices began creeping in; "you'll never do it, there's no way your going to be fit enough".
I read a book once by Paolo Coelho called By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, in which he spoke of this voice as "the other" and if we are ever going to achieve our true potential we must banish it from our mind.
A friend once told me that you need to paint the picture of what you want in your mind, or on paper if it helps. Imagine how it will feel to be there and every detail of how it will be. As for the negative thoughts; every time they arise make a concious effort to replace them with a positive thought and in my case stop saying I can't. I need to stop making excuses and get on with it.
As Richard Branson said; Screw it, Let's do it. Or Dr. Pepper; What's the worse that can happen?

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Getting Stretchy in the Park

Okay so I remember a time not too long ago when I was actually quite flexible, I mean I couldn’t exactly put my ankles behind my head or anything but I certainly could rest my head on my knees comfortably.
This is when I used to do more exercise at home, now I’m more of a gym-bunny and I guess no-one really likes getting all bendy and stretchy in front of everyone right? But more than that, I have spoken to quite a few of my gym buddies and a lack of flexibility exercises and stretching seems to be a trend. 
Now I tested my flexibility this morning and erm..could only just touch my toes! Eek! Flexibility is really important as it keeps us agile, improves our sporting performance as well as our posture and protects against strains and injuries. 
So according to Ultra FIT Your Own Personal Trainer author John Shepherd you should do 5-10mins of cardio prior to stretching to warm up your muscles and prepare them for stretching so I took myself off to the park to get started!
I had a 15min jog around the park to warm up. Once my muscles were all warmed I began with stretching my legs; calves and hamstrings in both sitting and standing poses, holding each for 10-15 seconds. I hadn’t realized how tight I’d allowed my muscles to get! If holding a pose was difficult (which sadly I must admit they were) I took two deep breaths and, as I exhaled was able to push the stretch a bit further.
I then went on to stretch my inner thighs, hips, arms, back, chest, oblique muscles and neck. This was a quite a long session of mainly static stretches. Of course depending on your work out goals you should opt for different types of stretches. For example pre-cardio you should only undertake dynamic stretches such as high knees and heel flicks. However if pushing your flexibility is the goal it is important to include proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretches (to you and me this basically means assisted stretching) you can use a band or a partner to help push your stretch that little bit further than you could unaided.
As you can imagine all this stretching takes up a bit of time so I have decided to choose a few key poses every day to practice and enhance my flexibility. I'm also going to try and get into yoga; I must admit I don't find it as appealing as say, kick boxing, but for the sake of my goals I will be putting in the effort!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Summer Loving

The sun has finally come out! And what a difference it makes...

For me as with most people my mood completely lifts when the sun shines and I feel warm, everything seems a little bit more achievable, everybody seems to have a fresh vigour for life. Of course; it also reminds us that bikini season is almost upon us. 

So let's take advantage of this new energy we have for life, get outside and get in shape!

Here are my top 5 reasons to get outside:

1. It's a Mood Lifter! I guarantee that no matter how a bad a mood you may be in; if you take your workout outside it will put everything in perspective. Being out in nature makes me feel empowered.

2. An outdoor workout mixes it up. Often when we workout in a gym environment we can get stuck in a routine; when you take your workout outside it opens up a whole new playground which can change on a daily basis. Take a run off road for a stamina challenge, jump on and off of obstacles, do the monkey bars, climb some cliffs, swim in the sea. Not only will you challenge your body in new, different ways, it's enjoyable and time will fly!

3. Fresh air is good for you! Fresh air cleans our lungs; allowing us to breathe deeper and therefore take in more oxygen. Increased oxygen gives us more energy as well as reducing the build up of lactic acid and an increase in stamina. Our brains also use up 20% of the oxygen we take in so by increasing the amount of oxygen we take in allows our brains to function better and with greater clarity. So if you need to resolve a problem; get out for a walk or run!

4. The power of the Sun. For anyone who has ever suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) you will know just how important getting that dose of sunshine can be! Our body can also synthesize Vitamin D from cholesterol with adequate amounts of sunshine; Vitamin D is responsible for the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate.

5. Get socialising :)  There are lots of exercises and activities that you take outside that can be super sociable such as team sports; boot camps, run clubs and climbing trips. Getting outside and socialising with like-minded, positive people can make you feel better about yourself on the inside and out. Remember health is not just physical; it's mental too!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Sweet Tooth

Hello world! Oh how I have missed you! As per my last post we have moved recently and are (still!?!?!!) without internet :( the date has now been set though...the engineer is coming on the 18th April which still feels like a millennia away! So I have hot footed it down to my local internet cafe to continue writing my blog posts.

My local internet cafe is a lovely little place call Muxima; a chilled out hidden nook in Bow, London that provides a sanctuary to the mind as well as nourishment in the form of their homemade food and of course internet! They are not just a cafe, but offer film nights, music evenings, knitting circles and on sat and sunday you can get some hand reflexology! I love it...check out their facebook page below if it catches your interest too;

One thing I love about cafe's is the sweet stuff you can nibble on. But as much as my taste-buds may thank me for 5 minutes of deliciousness my body would not be amused. Which in turn means I need to work a hell of a lot harder in the gym to make up for it! Remember exercise counts for 30% of your physique, the other 70% is diet and so many people (including admittedly myself on occasion) ruin so much hard work by not being strict about the fuel you are putting into your body.

Now don't think that means you can never have sugar again and anything sweet is off limits. No need to torture yourself; life should be enjoyable after all! But you need to learn which sweet things to eat and which foods are just not worth it.

Fruit is one of the best examples; it's delicious and has the right kinds of sugar. As well as being incredibly good for you! If you incorporate berries into your diet they are great antioxidants and a source of essential vitamins. I love blueberries and raspberries and have them with pretty much everything from my cereal to salads to dessert. Other versatile fruits I love to use in lots of dishes are pomegranates and mango; they are great as a mid afternoon snack but also add a fantastic sweetness to other dishes. These fruits work for you; fighting disease, full of fibre and a great source of energy whilst you are on the go.

If you are a chocolate lover (like moi) don't think this has to be off the menu either; limit yourself to small portions and stick to dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains anti oxidants and can help prevent heart disease and lower blood pressure. Just remember that it does still have a calorie count so emphasis on small quantities!

I don't usually eat dessert but was cooking dinner for my partner recently and decide to try out the below to make a healthy, tasty dessert that would be good for us too!

Frozen Fruit Salad & Chocolate Treat

Half a bar of dark chocolate
Handful of peanuts and almonds
Greek yogurt

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl above a saucepan
2. Finely chop the nuts and add to the chocolate; mix
3. Pour a thin layer of the chocolate into a cupcake case and put into the fridge to cool
(the ones I created that are pictured were quite thick and I made three of them; I would recommend making them thinner  as the thick chocolate can be a little overwhelming!)

4. Chop the strawberries, grapes and kiwi and add all the fruit (quantities as per your own desire) to the greek yogurt and mix
5. Add a tablespoon of honey or to taste and mix thoroughly
6. Pour the mixture into freezable containers and smooth out the the top.
7. Put in the freezer for 20mins or so (until desserts are hard on the outside but not frozen through)
8. Turn containers upside down on a plate and serve with chocolate treats from the fridge


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Blame it on the Alcohol

Hello All! Long time no write, I know!

Sorry to have been away for a while, we have had a hectic month in my household! Lots of visitors coming to stay and now we have moved house, which has meant no internet :-( and I have really missed writing.

Having visitors, as lovely as it is, can really throw a spanner in the works when it comes to not only your workout but your diet. It can be so easy to give in, especially when you are eating out. But one thing that I find throws me completely off is drinking.

As mentioned I've had a couple of visitors; the first of which is a big beer/real ales drinker and the latter a big lover of red wine! 

Now strong ale can be a whopping 360cal per 500ml (average) in comparison to an already calorific lager at an average of 125cal per 500ml. So if your drinking this on top of your normal food intake; its safe to say your going to go over your calorie allowance.

As for wine; if you are going to go in for it try to drink red. There are studies that a small allowance of red one has health benefits such as combatting heart desease but it also only has an average 85cal/125ml in comparison to white which has an average of 93cals. If you are looking for a lower calorie option champagne is your best bet (don't mind if I do!) at 78cal per champagne glass.

If you tend to drink more spirits then try to stay away from mixers such as coke and lemonade; sugary options. Mix it up with fruit juices or even a mixture of fruit and soda water.

REMEMBER ALL ALCOHOLIC DRINKS ARE EMPTY CALORIES so if you are looking to lose weight; cut it out. Avoid drinking where possible as part of a healthy lifestyle but if you do choose to drink; doit responsibly!

The other issue that cones with drinking of course is the hangover. Alcohol can be a depressant and leaves you feeling like you cant be bothered the next day; as well as the possibility of a headache and/or nausea. This can ruin your diet and exercise plan; don't let it!

- Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the evening and then before you go to bed
- Always eat if you are drinking alcohol
- Exercise will get your blood pulping and help get rid of a hangover, don't stat in bed!
- Make sure you eat a light breakfast and are replacing any lost nutrients


Sunday, 24 February 2013

Gym Bound

So this week marks the 15 week count down to my Tough Mudder challenge; which means that I cannot let my focus shift. I need to stick to my training plans; push myself harder and be accountable for my diet.

In regards to the latter I will be keeping a food diary this week which I will share with you next Sunday; it won't be perfect as I am not (at this point) a qualified nutritionist and do suffer from bouts of "I can't be bothered to make food so I will eat anything I can get my hands on!" But I am hoping that keeping the diary and sharing it with you guys afterwards will help me stay strong and be firm with myself!

Now, back to training. Ordinarily I like to train two days on, one day off but sometimes life gets in the way and you need to adjust this. One of my goals this year as part of my personal growth is to develop the will power to get up early in the morning, even in winter, to train. But as it is I am more reliable in the evenings.

This week I have to adjust my training schedule as my best friend is coming up to London from Cornwall for the weekend and I have a work event on Thursday. These sort of reasons are exactly why it is god to plan your workouts ahead; know exactly what you are going to do and on which days. Commit yourself. Once you have made the decision in your head about what you are going to do and committed yourself to it, you are less likely to back out or find an excuse.

So with that in mind please find my schedule for this week below;

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Training Day

Morning All!

I know some of you ma be wondering where my favourite foods of Wednesday and Thursday went?? I am sorry about that, unfortunately I had a busier than expected week and I had to make a choice; go to the gym, train and then get a decent nights sleep or write the blog.

Training is a really important part of my life and at the moment I need to make the most of every session because I am training for Tough Mudder.

I have never taken part in anything like this challenge before, and would be lying if I didn't say I was a little bit apprehensive! Obviously overall fitness needs to be good to complete this course, but my main concern ins the upper body strength required to get over these obstacles as this is an area I have always struggled with. So this is now a massive focus in my training.

This challenge is going to require mental strength as well as physical strength; so this blog will help me to commit, stay positive and stay accountable. It would be great to hear from anyone else who is taking on Tough Mudder this year; let me know how you are getting on and training tips. Meanwhile I will be providing you regular updates of my training plans and progress.

Believe it. Visualise it. Breathe it. Be it.

Enter Tough Mudder on line here;

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Avocado Advocate

Oh Avocado, how   I love thee...let me count the ways! Yes you have guessed it, my Tuesday food is the luscious, fresh green avocado :)

Avocados are truly amazing as they contain in excess of 25 nutrients! These include vitamin A, B, C, E, & K, copper, iron, phosporus, magnesium, and potassium. They are also a great source of fibre and protein as well as containing  beneficial phytochemicals which may protect against various disease and illness.

Below are just a few of the health benefits associated with avocados;

1. Lower Cholesterol
2. Control blood pressure & maintain a healthy heart
3. Fights free radicals
4. Anti-ageing properties - avocados are rich in antioxidants  
5. Cure bad breath (always helpful!)
6. Nourishes your skin and makes you glow!

The wonderful thing about avo's is that they are soooo versatile, you can eat them in so many ways! I love mine in sandwiches with salad, parmesan and egg-free mayo, salads, on toast with tomatoes, on ryvita with vegemite and as you will see below in shakes!

I have a big weakness when it comes to my diet, and that is chocolate milk. I just can't help it. So instead of denying myself I searched for a home made recipe that was healthy and clean; avocados, who knew? 

Chocolate Avocado Milkshake

1/2 ripe avocado
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1-3 tsp agave nectar/maple syrup (alternatively you can use 1 tbsp of brown sugar)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup of almond milk

1. all the ingredients together until smooth and serve over ice
2. Enjoy!

You can add a scoop of protein powder if you want an extra protein hit or to thicken could add a banana. Avocado's are great in smoothies with spinach and kale as well. There are loads of different options all over the net so get inspired!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Go Nuts!

Hope you've all had a great Monday? A lot of people seem to hate Mondays; waking up early again for work, going to work, 5 days left to the weekend... But they have it all wrong! Mondays are the start of a fresh new week; you can make it what ever you want it to be; it's all about perspective. Mondays for me feel like a spring morning, or the first page of new diary; yet to be written.

I have been thinking today about the different subjects I want to cover in this blog; it has been mostly food orientated so far I know, don't worry fitness week is coming up! But diet is a massive part of being healthy; and it is a cause close to my heart as I see so many people putting junk into their body on a daily basis. It has been said that having a healthy body is 30% exercise and 70% diet, now I know that differs dependent on your goals but it is a massive difference to take into consideration.

With this in mind on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week I'm going to let you know about some of my favourite foods; the health benefits of these and some of my favourite recipes! Today, as you may have guessed from my title, is all about nuts!

For a vegetarian, nuts are a great source of protein they also provide us with lots of energy and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Often people can be a bit cautious when it comes to eating nuts due to the high fat content, however these fats are mainly unsaturated fats; particularly mono-unsaturated fat. These fats actually help to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol! Studies also sow that a diet rich in nuts can help prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower the risk of heart attacks.

I use almonds all the time; you will see all my baking has almond butter in and I LOVE almond milk. Almonds contain magnesium and calcium for strong bones, vitamin E and interestingly  compounds called phytochemicals which are believed to protect against cardiovascular diseases and even cancer! Plus!

Walnuts are another of my favourites; I add them to salads as well as incorporate them into a range of hot meals from gnocchi to a good old fashioned nut roast! Walnuts contain vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. Studies have shown that walnuts added to a diet resulted in a decrease in cholesterol. 

If I'm honest, I only enjoy brazil nuts if they are covered in chocolate! But with 17% protein they are a winner. They are also very high in selenium and contain potassium, phosphorous, calcium and vitamin B.

Below is a quick and easy recipe that has the added benefit of being amazingly delicious! 

Creamy Leek and Mushroom Medley!

2 leeks - sliced
5 chestnut mushrooms - roughly diced
1 red onion - diced
2 cloves of garlic - diced
Handful of baby leaf spinach
Handful of pine nuts
Handful of cashew nuts
Handful of walnuts
2-3 tbsp of cream cheese
1-2 tsp of green pesto
5 halved cherry tomatoes

1. In olive oil; begin to fry the garlic an red onions; when soft add the leeks and mushrooms
2. When almost done, add the spinach and cherry tomatoes
3. Once the spinach has begun to wilt, add the nuts, cream cheese and pesto
4. Stir until the cream cheese has melted into a creamy sauce and all the ingredients are well and truly mixed together
5. Serve and enjoy! :)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Breakfast Muffins

How has everyone's weekend been?

I love Sunday's, I always like to wake up early to make the most of the day. I also enjoy treating myself to a delicious blueberry muffin! Now your regular blueberry muffins are not the healthiest of breakfasts, so I have adopted a high protein, eggless version.

This is a paleo inspired recipe. The paleo or paleolithic diet is often referred to as the 'caveman diet' as it is based on the plants, seeds, nuts and of course meat that was available in the paleoloithic times - a period of 2.5million years which ended circa 10,000 years ago. So it is basically un-processed food, based on what was available to humans before the development of agriculture.

I don't follow the diet specifically as I don't eat meat but I do love the fact that it offers some really high protein recipes. For example my breakfast muffins contain almond flour and almond butter in replacement of regular flour and butter. You can use eggs if you wish but as my partner doesn't eat them I use the below recipe which uses mashed banana instead. If using eggs still add some banana though as they are a great source of energy!

- 1cup almond flour
- 1tsp baking soda
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 2-3 ripe bananas (dependent on size)
- 1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)
- 1tbsp vanilla
- 1/2 cup of blueberries
- Oats

1. Add all dry ingredients with the exception of the oats and blueberriesto a bowl and mix
2. In a food processor or using a fork, puree/ mash the bananas
3. Mix all liquid ingredients together in a seperate container (including almond butter)
4. Add liguid ingredients to dry ingredients and mix
5. Once a batter is formed add the blueberries (as many or as little as you like, I love them so have quite a few!)
6. Spoon mixture into muffin cases and sprinkle oats on top
7. Bake in the oven at 180-200degrees for 20-25 minutes or until the muffins are golden with a soft, dry centre
I also love to adapt this recipe to make apple and cinamon muffins and double choc chip muffins! I'll post those recipes the next time I make them :)

Friday, 15 February 2013

Cabin Fever

Hellooo! So I have been bed bound for the last few days with flu (proper influenza not some misdiagnosed hypochondrial man flu!) and as a result Ive not had the strength to do any cooking or exercising to tell you of.

Gutted because tonight is usually muay thai night and I am missing out! It was going to be the subject for this weeks blog but hopefully I'll feel well enough by sunday to take the morning session.

So when Im sick I tend to lose my appetite; in the past that has meant surving of lemongrass tea. But this time with the help of the love of my life (my juicer) Ive been able to get a little more in the way of vitamins :-)

A great juice for when your feeling poorly is orange, carrot, lemon and ginger. Don't go easy with the lemon an ginger either whack a thick slice of each in; double what you normally would so you give your body the kick it requires.

I can also be a little aneamic so its especially important for me to get my iron when Im under the weather. My answer? Go green! Apple, kiwi and celery through the juicer then blended with a big handful of spinach, hey if it works for popeye right?

Anyway today I finally managed to eat something solid and I was craving a fresh, juicy tomato salad. I just love big fat beef tomatos marinated in olive oil and lashings of balsamic - mmmmm! Then top with some mozarella and pesto with a sprinkling of cashews ahhhh love :-):-):-)

Due to my illness I missed out on making my man his valentines dinner of delicious homemade canneloni so I'm going to make that over the weekend and will post the recipe.

I hope you all had a wonderful week and enjoy the weekend, looks like the sun is coming out!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Home Baking

How was everyone's Monday? The weather was miserable with a not-quite-snowing slushy feel to it; it's the kind of day that makes you want to stay at home and eat heart warming food!

This whole "horse meat scandal" that has been populating the news this weekend has driven home something that I have been thinking for a long time; we really don't know what is going into our food. Yes being a vegetarian I'm not expecting to find horse meat in any of my food; but so much of what we buy now is pre-made, preserved and full of additives. It gets you thinking.

So, with this in mind I want to make as much as I can at home; so I know exactly what I am putting into my body. Lesson 1: Homemade Granary Bread.

- 500g granary bread flour (I bought some with seeds in but you can what ever you fancy!)
- 40g soft butter
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 sachets yeast
- 300ml (approx.) tepid water
- a little olive oil

1. Put flour butter, yeast and salt into a mixing bowl (be sure to add the yeast and salt on seperate sides so the salt doesn't kill the yeast!) and mix together
2. Add half the water and fold over with your fingers; continue to add water a little at a time until all the flour is combined and soft. You may need to add more or less water; until you form a rough soft (but not sticky!) dough
3. Coat a clean work surface with about a tsp of olive oil and fold the dough over, turning at 45 degree angles and repeating until it is thinly covered in olive oil.
4. Knead the dough; push your hand out in one direction, fold the dough over, turn by 90degrees and repeat. Do this for about 5 minutes until the dough is more elastic.
6. Clean and lightly oil your mixing bowl; pop the dough back in and cover with slightly oil cling film. Set to one side to rise for about 1 hour.

This is a good point to focus on the other things you need to do; for me I made a  gym visit to do a quick lower body workout. I had wanted to get a 5k run in but, what with it being a Monday and all, every treadmill was occupied (and I mentioned the slushy cold horrible weather earlier right?)

So, to change things up a bit I did half an hour on the cross trainer; the cross trainer is a great piece of equipment if your looking to build muscle, as it is low impact and will burn fat whilst not digging into your muscle stores. I get my heart to work harder by mixing it up with interval training; alternating the higher effort levels as well as the speed. Most importantly remember to engage your core and work those obliques!

I then finished up with a few toning exercise;
3x10 15kg leg extensions with a 30sec break
3x10 15kg leg curls with a 30sec break
3x30 side leg raises on each side
60second plank

By the time I was back my bread had risen nicely.

7. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knock out the air by kneading firmly.
8. Gently turn the dough and shape into a loaf shape; place into bread tin.
9. Place cling film (lightly covered in olive oil) over the bread an leave to prove for 1 hour
10.Preheat the oven to 220degrees (200 for fan assisted)
11. Place the bread tin in the oven on the top shelf with a tray of water on the bottom shelf and cook for half an hour.


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Connect :)

Hey All,

So I have set up a twitter account to connect with you all and catch up the daily workouts hints and tips you have as well as share quick fixes and recipes.

If your having frustrations at work, in the gym or in the kitchen msg me; a problem shared is a problem halved and all that! And with the wonderful power of twitter if I don't have answers I'm sure someone else does!

So you can find me @MeganSiobhan26 I look forward to hearing from you and all about your day!


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Hump Day

Oh Wednesdays...they are the hardest day of the week right? I woke up this morning groggy and hoping it was Saturday, there's nothing worse. So, I made a decision to banish every sleepy thought from my mind; get up, smile, shake it out and begin my day with earnest!

The best recipe for a bright good morning is my Sunshine Fruit Juice of orange, pineapple, carrot and ginger. The orange and pineapple are a great wake up call and the ginger gives it an extra kick! Try it the next time your having trouble starting the day and I guarantee it will get you movin' and a groovin' :)

Mid-week Workout

For me, a mid-week workout is a must. It provides me with the time I need to de-stress and shift the focus from work to "Me" as well as motivating me to kick butt for the rest of the week!

So my favourite workout for a Wednesday is Body Pump. Body Pump is class run by most gyms and involves high level reps of different movements with free weights. The class utilises exercises that benefit each body part; shoulders, chest, back, arms, legs, glutes and abs. It focuses on form and repetition so is great for toning and building stamina.

It's a great change for me as when I work out with weights by myself I like to focus on lifting heavy but I also don't always have the self discipline to do high reps when it starts to hurt! But in a class environment the peer pressure and instructor keep you going :)

I would also really recommend this class for anybody who is new to working with weights and isn't sure which exercises to do and whether they are completing the movements correctly. Remember - start with light weights and focus on form; once you have got this right the rest will follow!

Body Pump leaves you feeling great; strong, confident and buzzing with endorphins. The best way to face the rest of the week!

What's your favourite Wednesday Workout?

Monday, 4 February 2013

Monday Madness

Happy Monday! It's a fresh new week and can be whatever you make of it...

If you're anything like me Monday is one non-stop crazy day that flies by and you don't have enough time to get anything and everything done. Work is rushed, the gym is packed and you need some quick fix energy to keep you going in between.

With that in mind I thought I'd share a delicous recipe with you this evening; my homemade chocolate and cranberry protein bars. They are absolutely delicous; high in protein and great for on the go in between work and the gym!

Chocolate & Cranberry Protein Bars

These are a great snack before or after the gym; you can adjust the recipe to add flavours that you like and are great on the go. The recipe makes 8-10 bars annd they keep in the fridge for about a week; I like to have them as my mid-afternoon chocolate fix as they soothe that sweet craving whilst providing the energy I need for my evening workout.

1 cup of oats
1/4 cup of flaxseed ( I like Linwoods Flaxseed, Cocoa and berry mix)
2 scoops of chocolate flavoured soya protein powder
2 tsp cocoa powder (optional)
1/4 cup of peanuts (chopped)
1/4 cup of almonds (chopped)
1/4 cup of dried cranberries (chopped)
1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips
3 tablespoons of honey
1/2 cup of organic peanut butter
1/2 cup of almond milk

1. Add all your dry ingredients into a bowl; you can add more or less nuts, fruit or choclate dependent on your taste. This recipe is great with lots of other fruit too (so I'm told) but I'm not a big fan of dried fruits so cranberries were my limit!
2. Mix in the honey and the peanut butter
3. Slowly add the almond milk; you may need more or less than the recipe dictates. You want the mixture to be thick; kinda like the consistency of erm...mud!
4. Line a square dish or baking tin with greaseproof paper and fill with the mixture. Using a spatula spread the mixture evenly in the tray and push down so it is nice and compact
5. Put the mixture in the fridge for 20-30mins to set
6. Enjoy!

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Getting Started!

Hello there! Welcome to my first blog :)

So I guess I'm a bit late of the mark beginning a health and fitness blog on the last day of January rather than the 1st... but hey, I like to keep 'em guessing!

Health and fitness have been major interests of mine for years; I love being outside and enjoy running and climbing as well as doing a good old fashioned weights sesh in the gym! All my life I have been a pescetarian however my fella is a complete vegetarian so even fish is now a rarity...I enjoy playing with recipe and food ideas that are vegan and recently invested in a juicer - the best thing ever! We are now completely obsessed with juicing anything and everything!

I'm originally from Cornwall so living in London now has taken a lot of getting used to and adjusting to exercising in the city involves coming up with fun and adventurous ways to get fit...from kickboxing, indoor climbing, parkour, capoeira and all sorts of dance classes :)

So to keep things extra specially interesting I thought; why not tell you guys all about these various extra-curricular activities; what works best, a fun ranking as well as a fitness ranking and all the little things that make a good exercising experience a great one.

My partner is into weight lifting in a BIG way so nutrition is massive part of our lives as I am always researching and experimenting with high protein, low fat, vegetarian and vegan recipes. So far we have come across some amazingly tasty dishes and I absolutely love to share them!

Well that's my introduction, watch this space for postings health, fitness and inspiring recipes!